Thriving in 2020

Thriving in 2020

Thrive.  This is the word I claimed for 2020.  I don’t do “resolutions”, but I do appreciate choosing a guiding word for each new year. In some ways it’s almost laughable that, of all years, I chose “thrive” for what has undoubtedly already been one of the more challenging and unpredictable years for many of us… and it’s only April.

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Sticks & Stones – The Power of Words

Sticks & Stones – The Power of Words

I’ve always loved words.  For as long as I can remember, I have enjoyed reading, writing, and speaking.  I can’t remember a time when I couldn’t read, and to this day, there is always a stack of books sitting beside my bed, or laying around the house for easy access.  As a child, my love for words was honed through opportunities to write creatively in school, and I always loved bringing new worlds to life in short stories and poetry.  When other kids were participating in various sports teams, I was participating in public speaking contests, spelling bees, and drama opportunities both in school and in surrounding communities.

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Surviving Heart Surgery

Surviving Heart Surgery

This blog post contains images and details that some readers might find disturbing.

This has been a hard post for me to write.  Partly because I still have trouble sometimes connecting to the experience; to really recognizing that the story I’m about to tell happened to me.  And partly because it has felt so big that I want to make sure I do it justice, for myself, and for anyone who connects to what I have to share.  Today I want to walk through the story of my heart surgery, the complications, and my recovery.

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